Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Why does service SUCK in Saint John?

I know that I am still fairly new to this city and am not a "regular" anywhere however I am polite and direct when asking for what I would like. What do I get in return? Rudeness. It could be that I have worked in the hospitality sector for wayyyy too long or that it just affects me more than most due to the diabetic factor but when I ask for a diet coke and then ask them again when they give it to me if it's diet, all I expect is a diet coke. It has been four times since moving here that I have been served a regular coke. No big deal to most people but not to me. One full glass of regular pop and I will go unconscious and head to the hospital. I do respect those working in that industry as I've been there and so I am very polite when ordering.There have been several occasions as well that it seems people in Saint John just don't want tips let alone repeat customers. Going to Church Street Steakhouse we sat for over 30 minutes before being acknowledged let alone having our order taken and this was after the dinner rush. At Subway just yesterday I said "Have a good day" to the cashier to which he replied, "I will once you guys leave" and it wasn't busy. It is becoming a regular occurrence in this city and if I could afford it I would start up a new restaurant to show people that it is possible to be successful by treating customers with respect. There will be bigger tips, more return customers thus giving more hours and more wages for everyone and return customers are generally easier orderers as they have their "regular" orders...And by all means at least stop trying to kill your customers! I don't smell that bad. I did shower just 3 weeks ago.


Blogger liz said...

I think the problem is that there are very few people working in SJ restaurants that actually care about the food service industry. They're there for the paycheck and that's it.

Subway I can understand, but Church Street I cannot. The Grannan restaurants usually hire decent servers, they must be slipping.

I commented on the diabetic issue over on my blog.

May 18, 2005 9:44 PM  

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