Monday, June 13, 2005

There's something missing in all the hype

With the whole Michael Jackson verdict coming down and the cutting into my Richard Karn time (now I'll never know what 100 people think), am I the only person that's wondering what kind of parents let their kids spend the night with this man anyway? Yeah yeah I know he was found innocent. That's not the point. I don't care if he's guilty or innocent. He had this problem before, settled out of court and any decent parent wouldn't leave their child alone with him afterward. Unless they were hoping it would happen so they could get a fortune... oh and maybe...scar their child for life!!!

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. I would rather see Katie and Nicole Kidman. Come on Tom & Katie look cute but when you look really close doesn't it look a little incestuous?

Seether's new song... aren't they 10 years too late for this sound?

I hate to but have to admit...I like Eminem's "Ass Like That"
I mean the song , not his ass. No I like his ass like this.

My fuck you finger really hurts. Considering the way I tell people off it should be my head that hurts.

Started trying Liz's idea of just ordering diet pop and not specifying what kind. They always follow it up with "diet pepsi" or "diet coke". You only have one fuckin' kind available asshole!

Startin' to go stir crazy avoiding doing every and anything so that I don't spend money. Really need funds coming in soon. I know that as soon as the call centre opens full force again my phone will be ringing with other job offers arrgghh!

James if you are out there get in touch. Eww not with yourself, freak.

So what is goofy?

I apologize for this but please do not expect me to remember who the hell you are after one introduction. Everybody in this city now knows who I am through Terri-Lynn. Generally they are introduced to one person whereas I am introduced to 30 at a time. Give it time, I'm a simpleton. But I can do this...*pause while I do it*

Who is Bob anyway?

Terri's against strippers at my bachelor party. sounds good to me...slows everything down having to watch these women take off their clothes, why not just come naked. kidding(inserted to avoid assuming obligatory guilt).

At Chez Snodgrass they have a gnome. My kinda people.

Does anyone know Dave's number? If so please e-mail it to me since I know he's not online.

Brent's 24th b-day tomorrow. Have you sobered up enough to get drunk? Miss ya buddy. sorry "the buddy".

Need a karaoke get my inspirational juices flowing. Tyler you up for a jam session?

What makes you so funky!?!


Blogger liz said...

Welcome back! Been a while.

[shakes head at stupid diet pop issue]

I agree, even if he's not guilty, why would any reasonable parent let their child stay there? They should start suing the parents who think that would ever be a good idea.

Tom & Katie do look like bro & sis, and there isn't one person who doesn't think it's fake. I sort of feel sorry for Tom. Katie & Nicole would be interesting. Hollywood does need a shakeup.

We've pretty much gotten ourselves hooked on going to karaoke every Friday night, so consider this your standing invitation if you & T-L want to drop by again.

June 16, 2005 12:14 PM  

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