Monday, July 18, 2005

It's all about the Pie

It was a glorious summer afternoon last July that my friends Tyler, Crystal and I decided to go for dinner downtown in Fredericton to The Blue Door. All was well company was great, we were all joyous when it hit. The question --"Would you care for any dessert?" Now being someone that has worked in restaurants for the past 12 years and could have all the free desserts that I wanted I did not want the same old lame cheesecakes that every restaurant serves. I understand that if you don't work in a restaurant they are great but they are the same everywhere you go and we all decided that we wanted some good old fashioned pie. Shouldn't be too difficult. Pie is a popular dessert. Everyone likes pie, but alas they didn't have any and now we weren't willing to settle. Hey we're downtown, there are dozens of restaurants and even a few coffee shoppes so we walked into each and every one of them and as we were about to be seated in each one we stopped them and asked, "Do you serve pie"? Notta one. It had now been 2-3 hours of searching and we weren't about to go to a grocery store. That would be defeat so we did the only thing that we could...we got in a taxi over to the other side of town to Frank's Finer Diner where the owner's wife bakes fresh pies daily. Well the three of us got four different kinds of pie and just ate off each other's plates inviting the waitress to join us as we told her of our adventures. Mmm pie.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


It's official the NHL deal is done. About time
NHL Deal Done


Once again yesterday in the mail I receive a letter from employment insurance asking me that if I hadn't sent in all my records of employment to please do so at once. This is the fourth letter they have sent and it's really getting on my nerves. I called them after the last letter and they told me that they did have everything and it wuld be processed "shortly". Since then nothing, nada, squat except for another letter. As said in "Office Space" "I'll do it. I'll burn this place down."

I'm not even supposed to be here today!

Couldn't sleep at all last night after being sick and exhausted all of yesterday. All I wanted was to come home and go to sleep but alas my state of mind wasn't there. I spent the whole day just going through the motions not even aware of what was going on half the time and that's probably why it sunk in...the movie "Clerks". Right before bed there was one of those commercials on tv with kids playing road hockey which with my mindset automatically sent me drifting to the scene from clerks where they are playing road hockey on the store roof. Not a big deal, I can drift off to sleep with that being my first dream. Wrong! I ended up watching the whole movie in my head all night. Now, I don't have that movie memorized or anything but for some reason I did pretty well with the lines. Of course my brain was now on overdrive trying to remember each scene when all I wanted was to go to sleep.

I even ended up writing this blog in my head last night complaining about not sleeping, thus keeping me awake longer. D'ya ever think of something in the middle of the night, write it down thinking that it's brilliant and when you read it in the mornin' it doesn't even make sense? I end up wasting the rest of my day trying to figure out why I thought it was so well done in the first place. Maybe I wasn't reading it in the same context or I missed a word or sentence in writing etc.

At least today's a short 12-11pm day at work then I can sleep in tomorrow. Nevermind tomorrw's my only chance to catch up on laundry.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Buffalo Theory

In one episode of "Cheers", Cliff is seated at the bar describing the Buffalo Theory to his buddy, Norm. I don't think I've ever heard the concept explained any better than this...
"Well you see, Norm, it's like this...A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members.
In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive intake of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine.
And that, Norm, is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."

Did I mention...

That I am sick today? Being at work helping those with depression while feeling like I'm going to vomit isn't a very smart idea but money makes the world go round.

Life as I know it or Who put Da Bomb in Abreu

Started work again yesterday after almost 8 weeks off. Will probably get my first paycheque before I even find out if my unemployment application has been approved. Such is my life.
started playing with setting up a gift registry for the wedding on Sunday for the first time ever and it's actually (that word again) quite difficult. At least it is for me since I don't really know what we need except money to pay for it all and that's not what a gift registry is for. Where we are living now we need some things but we don't have room for much and we will be moving within a few months and we don't know what space there will be at the new place. I had some fun though. I grabbed a scanner and ran around the store scanning everything that I liked and yet never made it to the electronics department. For those who know me, that's my home...electronics. Terri wanted to look at the "big ticket" items that we actually(2) needed but I figured unless my friends won a lottery before the wedding we should look at more realistic stuff so I started in on the games. Ooh yeah!

Congrats to Bobby Abreu on winning the home run derby. $300,000 was won for charities across the US at the derby.
KARMA is playing at the boardwalk in Saint John on August 26/27 so if you like classic rock you gotta catch them. Best live band out there!